Barry Kemper – 2009

Barry Kemper
Barry began his registered target shooting career during the 1992 target season. Since then he has amassed 263,650 registered targets through June 1, 2009. On August 4, 2001 Barry captured his trapshooting career Grand Slam shooting 100 straight from the 27-yard line during the Central Zone Shoot held at the MTA home grounds. Barry has competed in numerous trapshooting events across the United States and has won more than one hundred trophies at major trapshooting competitions, not to mention the countless awards from local gun clubs throughout the country.

Trapshooting is a serious sport to Barry and he is a fierce competitor. He continues to work hard to be one of the best trap shooters in the country. If he is in a slump and needs to work on a specific area of shooting, Barry will go to the practice range and not stop shooting targets until he has overcome the problem. Barry never loses focus on his goal to be one of the best shooters in the country. He was rewarded for his efforts when he was named to the ATA All-American 2nd Team in 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2007.

Barry didn’t work hard at just the shooting competition element of the sport; he also focused on the betterment of the MTA. The successful operation of the Michigan Trapshooting Association meant a great deal to Barry. He saw the need to give something back to the sport of trapshooting and responded to it. Much like his focus on trapshooting, he placed the same focus on making the MTA home grounds a better place for all shooters. Barry was elected to the MTA Board of Directors for three consecutive terms which spanned nine years. During his time as MTA Director he held the office of MTA Vice-President. Barry remained focused on what was best for the MTA shooting community. He unselfishly donated his time and effort to the MTA for building projects, trap repair, shoot management functions, and trap setting. Barry led the trap setting teams at the MTA for several years. He focused on assuring that his team set the best, most consistent targets in the country. A goal that Barry and his team accomplished year after year. For Barry, there was never any problems, there were only solutions.

The MTA Board of Directors congratulates and commends Barry W. Kemper for his outstanding accomplishments, in both his MTA administrative efforts and his tremendous accomplishments in the sport of competitive trapshooting. Mr. Kemper has proven that hard work will prevail toward succeeding at your life goals.

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