Boyd R. Williams – 1990

Boyd R. Williams
To many who worked with him, Boyd was the driving force behind the MTA home grounds. He felt that the real key was organizational and harnessed the fine talent available within the MTA membership. His close relationship with Art Hickey helped immeasurably.

Boyd went on the Board in 1960 and server for 22 years, including 4 years as ATA delegate. He became Secretary-Treasurer in 1962 and retained that position for many years, at which time he became President and retained that position for several years, then ATA delegate, on the Real Property Committee, and Chairman of the Hall of Fame Committee.

Boyd’s accounting ability was of great help because he could always come up with a complete financial report within a few days after a shoot. The financial reports were broken down so all expenses and income could easily be read by persons less acquainted with accounting.

Boyd was also a fine shooter – 17 times on the All-State Team, 3 times as Captain. He was State Handicap Champion in 1958, Doubles Champion in 1971, and for three years in a row won the preliminary 16-yard Championship, but never did win the 16-yard Championship event.

In 1971, Boyd broke 200 at the Clay Target Championship and finished third at Vandalia. He tied for the Dayton Homecoming with 199 x 200 in fairly windy conditions and tied for second with a 99 in doubles at the Grand. Boyd won the singles at the Ohio State Shoot in 1966 with a 200 after a shoot-off. Now shooting as a veteran, Boyd won the Central Zone in 1989 with 198 x 200.

Boyd has shot competition for more than 50 years, skeet from the late 30’s until he switched to trap in 1954. Though he has been active in shotgun shooting for many years throughout the USA, he is better known for big game hunting and is considered one of the most knowledgeable persons in America on firearms and accessories by the shooting industry. Boyd hunted Africa in those hey days of the 50’s, 60’s, and early 70’s. He made five sound 16mm movies, two in Africa, one in Alaska, one in Newfoundland, and one on the Grand American. He has more than 30 African trophies, many in Rowland Wards records in London, England. He has written The Blue Book of Gun Dealing and How to Convert Military Rifles, the latter was on the best-seller list. He was honored by being made a member of the East African Professional Hunters Association.

(* Deceased)

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