Delbert Nye – 2015

Delbert Nye
Del is a familiar face around the Michigan Trapshooting Association home grounds. He has been volunteering at the MTA for over three decades. Del was first introduced to trapshooting in the late 1970s by MTA Recording Secretary, Bob Boike and he began volunteering for the MTA in 1978 as trap repair and line referee. Those two jobs he continued for the next 11 years, all while earning his living as a truck driver. Del has been a member of the ATA and MTA for 38 years.

Del held office with the MTA, supporting Michigan trapshooters, for 18 years. He was elected to the MTA Board of Directors first in 1989 and continued to hold office until 1998, three times as Vice-President. While on the board, Del demonstrated a willingness to help wherever needed. During the campground renovation, he procured materials at a reduced rate for the MTA and dug trenches. From 2000-2009, Del served as ATA Alternate Delegate. He volunteered unpaid for the ATA at the Grand American, helping as line supervisor, setting traps, and scoring.

Some of Del’s most significant contributions have been at the local level. Del has run his own trap club for many years and always works to ensure shooters attending his Mother’s Day, Labor Day, and “Road Kill” shoots have an enjoyable time. He held the first National Trapshooting Day event and awarded additional trophies (over the ATA pins) at his expense. Del has used his shooting facility to benefit his local community. He has held many fund raising shoots, paid the costs out of his pocket and procured donated supplies so all proceeds would go to the charity. He was honored by Munson Hospice House for raising over $100,000 for their facility. When a trapshooter had a heart attack on his grounds, he saw the need to help fund the EMS system in his community and started raising funds for the Kingsley Ambulance and Fire Department, a practice that continues today. Over the years, Del has also helped other local shooting clubs. One club made him an honorary life member in appreciation for all his help.

While Del has retired from registered trapshooting, you will still see him at the Mason grounds, helping wherever needed and visiting with fellow trapshooters. Whether at his club, another local club, Michigan Trapshooting grounds, or the Grand American, Del has demonstrated his dedication to trapshooting with actions. As Del says it, “I just want to have a nice place for people to shoot.”

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