In 1966 Earl joined the ATA, became an ATA life member in 1970, and a MTA life member in 1980. In 1983 he was elected alternate delegate to ATA delegate William Barringer and has served as alternate delegate since that time. Earl was elected to the Michigan Trapshooting Association Board of Directors in 1984, and served as Director for eight and one half years. In 1987 Earl served as President of the MTA, presiding over the first Great Lakes Grand American.
Earl’s shooting accomplishments include:
MTA All-State Team in 1983, 1988, and 1990
Grand American –
1985 AA Third in the Clay Target Championship with 200 x 200 in the program (his first) and 99 in the shoot-off
1988 Runner-up in the Vandalia Handicap with 99 x 100 in the program and 23 in the shoot-off
Great Lakes Grand –
1993 Preliminary Class A Doubles Champion
1994 Preliminary Singles with 100 x 100 in the program and 300 in the shoot-off
1994 Class AA Champion in Singles Class Championship
1994 Runner-up Class A in Doubles Championship
Michigan State Shoot –
1991 Michigan State Singles Champion with 200 x 200 in the program and 100 in the shoot-off
1991 Michigan High Over-All Champion
Central Zone Shoot –
1991 Singles Champion
1995 Class AA Runner-up in Singles
1995 Class AA High Over-All
Earl has won numerous Michigan Zone 4 AA Championships.
Through 1995, Earl had registered 70,400 Singles, 51,400 Handicap, and 34,350 Doubles Targets.