Although to date, Kathy and Robin have both had success in the sport of trapshooting, their real contribution is as ambassadors. One has only to encounter the Fitzgibbons once to know that the trapshooting fraternity has profited enormously. Kathy and Robin bring with them integrity, pride, and genuine concern for fellow competitors, past, present, and future. Kathy and Robin, who are business owners in the Jackson, MI are, understand community involvement, dedication, responsibility to employees and their families, and the value of trust with a handshake. As parents, they have passed on these values to their children and grandchildren as is evident when attending any function that Kathy, Robin, and their family are involved with. Their association with various local clubs and the MTA have been nothing short of a blessing for all. With a willingness to give, Kathy and Robin are tireless when volunteering, without needing to be asked. Generosity has no boundaries with the Fitzgibbons. As a team, the Fitzgibbons are one in creating an atmosphere of good will and enthusiasm. Kathy and Robin are exactly what the sport of trapshooting needs to survive. Listed below is an overview of the many generosities given by Kathy and Robin Fitzgibbons.
In 1987, re-opened trap fields at JCOC and ran open trapshooting until 1996
Raised $10,000 to renovate club kitchen
Robin served as JCOC President 1992 & 1993
Kathy became first lady JCOC President, served 1994 & 1995
In 2000, Robin became JCSC Vice-President & Membership Chair
In 2003, Robin & Kathy took over management of JCOC registered trap
2004, First Annual Shell Shoot – This has become a premiere small club destination
Donated labor and delivery of 10 puller chairs to MTA
Donated materials, labor, and delivery of remaining chairs to MTA
Donated materials, labor, 4 chairs each to JCSC and Munith Gun Clubs
Donated materials and labor to convert traphouses for Pat Traps for MTA
Donated 40 aluminum score sheet holders to MTA
Donated Michigan Mitt to MTA (mounted on east side of entry building)
Donated trophies for shoots at JCSC, Munith Rod & Gun Club, Oak Hill Gun Club for many years
Donated excavation equipment and labor on many occasions to MTA