Roy Atkinson – 1996

Roy Atkinson

Roy Atkinson has been a member of the Michigan Trapshooting Association Board of Directors for almost twenty-five years, representing the Upper Peninsula. He has served as President and Vice-President of the Association.

Roy was President of the U.P. Shooting Association for twenty years, promoting the shooting sports in the U.P. Zone One.

In spite of the long trip from Sault Ste. Marie and the U.P.’s well-known weather, Roy has missed only three Board meetings over his time on the Board. Between meetings and shoots, he has logged nearly 300,000 miles in service to the MTA.

From the Michigan State Shoot in 1969 until the present, Roy has never missed a shoot at the home grounds in Mason. Although he has never won any major shooting event, Roy has won trophies in each of the disciplines. Roy won the U.P. Championship on two occasions.

After thirty-five years at the Soo Locks, Roy retired ten years ago. Now he spends most of his time shooting and helping at shoots.

Roy and his wife still live at Sault Ste. Marie, enjoying their eight children, sixteen grandchildren, and one great grandchild.

(* Deceased)

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