The Michigan Trapshooting Association Hall of Fame and Museum serves as an educational resource of the Michigan Trapshooting Association and accomplishes its mission by:
– Giving recognition to Michigan individuals, living and deceased, who over the years, have distinguished themselves in registered trapshooting competitions by winning events at State, Zone, Satellite Grand and Grand American levels;
– Recognizing those Michigan individuals, living or deceased, who have contributed outstanding work in the promotion, administration, management, improvement, and growth of registered trapshooting;
– Collecting and maintaining historic artifacts and materials pertaining to Michigan trapshooting, which will be available to the shooting population, general public, and future generations of both.
HOF Inductees: Vern Stalter and Caroline V Cookingham (also known as Mrs L C Cookingham) will be inducted at the 2022 State Shoot. Vern and Caroline have each won numerous shooting awards and have given their time in support of the MTA and Michigan Trapshooting. All are invited to attend the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Saturday, July 2, 2022.
MTA Hall of Fame Scholarships: There were no scholarship applications accepted due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The MTA Hall of Fame and Museum activities would not be possible without the generous donations and support from trapshooters and volunteers who help with events. Thank you for all your support!
For more information or to make donations to the
MTA Hall of Fame & Museum,
contact MTA Board of Directors or
MTA Hall of Fame & Museum Board of Directors.
JB Lewis
Jamie Stilianos
Leslie York
Sally Telfer
MTA President Mike Wilson
MTA Hall of Fame Scholarship
Effective immediately, the Hall of Fame will not be accepting scholarship applications until further notice. Due in part to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We will keep you posted on updates.